Number Fog Design Installation and Fashion Show!

Here are some images from the August 26th Gray Area Creative Code Fellowship exhibition:

Outfits designed and sewn by Alice Clifford (left) and Timothy Ho (Right). Sam B. models Tim's creation

Fabric installation with demo video.

Sam B. models outfit design by Timothy Ho in front of fabric installation and demo video.

Joseph Burg models "$900 tent" suit. Sewing coordination by Mai Nguyen Hart.

Mel shows off "Mission Condo" dress in front of the condo that inspired the design.

Alice Clifford, Myself, Joseph Burg, Youssou Fall, and Mel. Alice Designed and made her outfit all other sewing in this image coordinated by Mai Nguyen Hart.

Lindsey Irving dons "wearable tech fist bump" wraparound as she catches up with Eric Rodenbeck of Stamen.

Matt Ganucheau and Rachel Weidinger show off outfits at the exhibition. Outfits created by Rachel.

This project was sponsored by Gray AreaStamen DesignBritelite ImmersiveObscura Digital, and Presence Product Group.
