Creative Code Fellowship Update: Week 9

This week's focus has been on the August 26th event. The following items are all in progress:

  • One dress from the Mission Condo design is complete! (Thanks to the help of Mai Nguyen and her friend May).
  • My long time friend Alice Clifford is making a dress from the Buses fabric to wear to the show.
  • I have leads on a jacket and pants -  from the $900 tent design - which I would wear to the show.
  • I may have a lead on one or two men's button-up shirts. One would be from the Transport Unity design and one from the Wearable Tech design.
  • I'm very excited to be working with CCA graduate student Timothy Ho. He's designed a complete outfit and has a model lined up for the show. He wants to create an outfit that highlights all the designs. One element of the outfit will use a patchwork design which is not an uncommon application of block-print fabrics. This is the  patchwork configuration he will be working with:
  • I am almost finished with the wood display rack (displayed in the previous post) and am working on a tag for each design that will give information on theme and and data.
  • A website that has information about the designs is mostly compete.

What do I still have questions about?

I'm still unclear what the life of these fabrics should be moving forward. What kind of control, if any, should I maintain over their use and distribution? Should I open the designs up for anyone to purchase and do whatever they want? Or, should I try to partner with a local tailor to curate the items created? At this time, I'm leaning to the later but have not yet found the right person to work with. 
