Creative Code Fellowship: Week 8

I now have 8 printed designs with a 9th on the way! I'm backing off the design process for now.


This week has been about:

  1. Making connections to get things tailored
  2. Thinking about the installation for the Gray Area August 26th event
  3. Working on a website to inform interested parties about the ideas in each design

I have one dress in progress and a lead on a possible jacket / pants combo and men's button-up shirt. I'm also super excited that my friend Alice Clifford wants to make a dress and wear it to the event. I'm equally honored to be working the CCA fashion/textiles grad Timothy Ho. His designs are awesome and I'm dying to see what he'll do with some of the fabrics.

I created a design for a freestanding display that I'm thinking of building for the Gray Area event. I'll present it at the weekly review tomorrow and see what feedback I get:

I have an information website in progress. There's still a lot of work to do on it, but this is where it's living for now:
